Soul Connection



In this universe of essence, mystery and love, I Highwhistler, am another you. Would you like to have a heart-to-heart talk with the visionary artist, author, mystic poet and creator of The Soul Connection Network? I am fluent in all things spiritual, love, twin flames & soul mates, meditation, career pathways that are exciting to you, creating personal realities, the future that is coming to humanity, cosmology, UFOs, advanced civilizations, our natural telepathic and time-traveling abilities, OBE, near death, remote viewing, the Wingmakers and other spiritual philosophies, mythologies and avenues of exploration, creating the Golden Age.

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

I have college degrees in Art and Horticulture. Decades of experience in business, art, first-hand spiritual understanding, love, parenting, organic gardening and much, much more.


I am an immortal spiritual being. My life is a continual spiritual, mystical, psychic, quantum experience. I fell in love with the Silence of the Universe decades ago and since then I’ve had the ability to stop my mind in less than the twinkle of an eye. Samadhi and ease are qualities of my natural state of being. I been full circle on many paths in this world: love, business, parenting, living in the world but not being of it, balancing spirituality with sensuality and living a full, rewarding life. I’ve been to life and death and back again … and I’m able to communicate freely with you about the journey. You may find that I’ve walked in your shoes … and you in mine … and that we are surprisingly interconnected.

highwhistler's photo

Languages: English

Media: Audio Call, Video Call

Local Time: (GMT-07:00) May 01, 2024, 12:52PM

Location: Sedona, Arizona  (Find on Google Maps)

Last seen: never

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